Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spotlight: Freeman

The Commodore. A vest that fights off water like a navy officer. Hence the name perhaps.
When choosing apparel, reasonable people usually plan ahead. They would choose a piece of garment that will fit their needs for the day or climate. That is what Freeman clothes are all about.
The Freeman jacket, perfect for rainy days.

When you live near the coast and all the weather you get is windy and wet then you have to have a nice piece of outerwear that can stand the test of the weather. Freeman's products are inspired by and manufactured in Seattle, Washington since 2010. The jackets and shirts are not too flashy in design. The designers were not really going for anything too flashy and they lean towards a more functionally effective product while having a standard look. While the designs aren't all too flashy, the small details on the products are really what caught my eye. The use of neutral or natural colors mixed with powerfully bright colors was very eye-catching. All of the outerwear are made for the usual Seattle outdoor weather.The outerwear has nice details in the lining as well.
Women's jacket available soon maybe hopefully!

Thank you to the Freemans for being so friendly, letting us take photos, and giving us time to answer a few questions. Be sure to check their website out at

There currently are only men's wear items but there might be a women's jacket available soon so watch out for it!

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